
Japan Boosts Support for Humanitarian Response at Major Border Points in Sudan Amidst Conflict

Port Sudan- The Government of Japan has allocated USD 896,000 to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to enhance the provision of basic services and the delivery of vital humanitarian assistance at major border crossing points in Sudan. 

With the funding, IOM will deliver life-saving support to thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, migrants, and communities affected by the ongoing conflict providing health, nutrition, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), as well as protection services at two major border crossing points: Ashkeet in the Northern state, bordering Egypt, and Galabat in Gedaref state, bordering Ethiopia.

"These border crossings between Sudan - Egypt and Ethiopia serve as critical gateways for IDPs, refugees, and migrants seeking safety and refuge into neighboring countries," said Mohamed Refaat, IOM Sudan's Chief of Mission. "We express our deep gratitude to the Government of Japan for their continued support. Working closely with partners, this contribution will allow us to strengthen border governance, health services, and protection support in areas where it is most needed."

“The ongoing armed conflict in Sudan has caused a catastrophic situation with massive numbers of people being displaced. My deepest sympathies go out to the Sudanese people devastated by the tragedy, and I hope that Japan's contribution may be of help by improving the provision of basic life-saving humanitarian aid to IDPs at Sudan's primary points of entry.” says Mr. Mizuuchi, Chargé d'affaires of Japan to Sudan. 

Sudan is currently grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis, with over eight million people internally displaced since the outbreak of armed conflict in April 2023. The ongoing crisis has exacerbated existing critical gaps in basic services at these two border crossings, which have witnessed a significant surge in the number of displaced individuals, refugees, and migrants seeking safety and assistance.

Those affected are facing severe shortages of essential and life-saving commodities, such as medicine, food, and water. The existing health facilities near or at the border areas are insufficient to meet the urgent and growing humanitarian needs arising from the conflict.

The project will help improve the conditions of health facilities, increase the presence of community healthcare workers, and ensure the availability of essential medicine and medical equipment. It will also reinforce the capacity of frontline workers involved in humanitarian border management (HBM) through training and support for border officials, enabling them to effectively manage the influx of individuals at the border crossings. 

A covered waiting area will be constructed at Ashkeet Point of Entry (PoE) to provide a safe and comfortable space for vulnerable individuals during the border crossing process.
The Japan-funded project comes as part of IOM’s wider Humanitarian Response for Sudan, which delivers humanitarian assistance to those most in need. It aligns with the IOM Sudan Crisis Response Plan 2024-2025 and IOM’s Global Appeal 2024

For more information, please contact:     
In Port Sudan: Lisa George,     
In Cairo: Tamim Elyan,   
In Geneva: Kennedy Okoth,

SDG 1 - No Poverty
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 14 - Life below water
SDG 15 - Life on land