
“CinemArena” Tour in Tunisia concludes, attracting more than 8,300 spectators

Tunisia, 22 September—The CinemArena caravan, an awareness-raising campaign on positive alternatives to irregular migration through films, workshops, and entertainment shows, wrapped up in Gafsa, Tunisia, on Sunday after touring the country for about seven weeks. 

Organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), CinemArena attracted over 8,300 spectators through 34 interactive awareness-raising events featuring film screenings and a wide range of entertainment activities, including 75 artistic performances by young people.

Young people participating at the activities engaged in dialogues on safe and regular migration pathways and received information on vocational training, employment opportunities in Tunisia and abroad.

“Today, I feel honored to have taken part in this amazing initiative that facilitated my access to information on the dangers of and alternatives to irregular migration,” said Oussama, a participant at the closing ceremony.  “I understand that I need to train myself, strengthen my knowledge and abilities, such as learning a foreign language or acquiring technical skills, in order to make informed decisions on my future.”

CinemArena kicked off on 13 August for the first time in North Africa and travelled through six governorates, namely Jendouba, Le Kef, Siliana, Kasserine, Kairouan, and Gafsa, stopping in 36 municipalities. It was organized in close partnership with the Tunisian Ministries of Youth and Sport, Interior, Cultural Affairs, Employment and Vocational Training.

1,054 young people took part in 34 workshops and training courses on youth empowerment, with an emphasis on four key strategic pillars: entrepreneurship, vocational training, and job hunting locally and abroad. As part of its strategic objectives to foster youth empowerment, CinemArena also awarded 20 grants to young entrepreneurs.

Over 100 young volunteers also contributed to the success of the initiative, and were mobilized through partners such as youth centers, cultural centers, the Tunisian Red Crescent (TRC) and civil society.

“We are really happy with this collaboration with IOM, which has allowed to mobilize the public opinion around key migration topics. We hope to replicate the initiative in the near future,” said Mr. Wassim Neffeti, Delegate of the Gafsa South Governorate.

Launched in 2002 by the Italian Cooperation focusing on social and health issues, CinemArena has addressed the risks of irregular migration since 2018 through a partnership with the IOM Coordination Office for the Mediterranean (IOM Italy) which oversees all campaigns implemented in North Africa and West Africa.

Over the past seven years, it has traveled through Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, The Gambia, Nigeria, and Tunisia, organizing over 700 awareness-raising events and attracting 230,000 spectators. 

The campaign disseminates information and messages through awareness-raising films in urban and rural areas, shows, plays, musical performances, workshops and discussions. It aims to raise awareness on the risks of irregular migration and encourage potential migrants to make a free, individual and informed decision.

CinemArena also works to empower young people to realize their aspirations, as well as to support small businesses. Civil society and the media are involved as key agents of change and sensitized to ethical and comprehensive information on migration and the socio-economic opportunities available.

CinemArena’s journey will now continue to Senegal in October 2024, crossing the region of Kolda.


For more information, please contact:

Flavio Di Giacomo, IOM Coordination Office for the Mediterranean, Italy, Tel: +39 347 089 89 96, Email:  

IOM Tunisia Public Information Office: