
Norway Supports Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Stranded Migrants in Morocco

Norway Supports Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Stranded Migrants in Morocco

Marrakech – Merethe Nergaard, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway, and Ana Fonseca, Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Morocco signed an agreement to award a grant of NOK 4,000,000 (approx. EUR 400,000) to IOM as a contribution to the ‘RAISE’ programme (Voluntary Return and Reintegration for Stranded Migrants in Morocco). 

“We are pleased to continue our support to RAISE, contributing to IOM and Morocco's efforts to assist stranded migrants who wish to return to their home country,” said Marianne Hagen, State Secretary at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She headed the Norwegian delegation to the intergovernmental conference to adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Hagen, together with António Vitorino, Director General of IOM, attended the signing of the agreement. 

Morocco has over the years become a key location on the perilous journey of thousands of migrants, mostly from sub-Saharan countries, to Europe. Migrants fleeing poverty, lack of opportunities or increasing violence continue to arrive in Morocco, making the North African country both a destination and transit country. However, many of these migrants end up being stranded in Morocco, leaving them vulnerable to becoming victims to abuse and exploitation at the hands of smugglers and traffickers. 

Consequently, Morocco and IOM launched an Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration programme in 2005 to offer the possibility of a dignified return through provision of administrative, logistical, financial support – including reintegration assistance – to migrants unable or unwilling to remain in Morocco, and who decide to return to their country of origin. 

For more information, please contact: Myriam Massaia, IOM Morocco, Tel: +212 (0) 537 65 28 81, Email: