
The National School of Public Health and the International Organization for Migration organize the 2nd edition of the Regional Winter School

Rabat – March 14th 2023 - The National School of Public Health (ENSP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in coordination with the Directorate of Epidemiology and Disease Control (DELM), are organizing the 2nd edition of the Winter School on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Social Protection, Health Coverage and the Principle of Living Together with Migrants on 14, 15 and 16 March 2023 at the ENSP.

In continuity with the first edition which took place in 2020, this 2nd edition of the Winter School will contribute to the reinforcement of access to health care and the accompaniment of migrant populations in the framework of the generalization of the Universal Health Coverage (CMU) in the MENA region.

During the three days, the Winter School will bring together 50 participants from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Sudan to exchange good practices in caring for migrant populations and to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and sexual and reproductive health of migrants in the region.

"Migrants and mobile populations face many challenges in accessing health care throughout their migration journey," said Ms. Ceretti Maria Luciana, IOM Regional Health Project Officer in Morocco.

"To address this issue, since 2015, IOM Morocco has been managing the project "Fostering the health and protection of vulnerable migrants in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Yemen" in close coordination with government and civil society actors in the said countries. Our common goal is to strengthen the inclusion of migrants in national health systems in an equitable and inclusive manner," she added.

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Morocco has developed the National Strategic Plan for Health and Immigration 2021-2025, which is the reference framework for all actors involved in improving migrants' access to health promotion services and medical care in respect of human rights and in conditions of equality and equity, with the support of its national and international partners, including the International Organization for Migration.

Participants from the six countries will have the opportunity to create a network including the different actors involved in migrant health in the MENA region, to formulate recommendations for the integration of migrants into universal health coverage, and finally, to capitalize on the experiences of all the partner countries of the project for the integration of migrant populations in the health system.

This 2nd edition of the Winter School will be attended by 50 people including academics and researchers, students, institutional actors, social workers, representatives of international organisations and civil society organisations, and the focal points of this regional project in the six countries involved.

For more information: please contact:
ENSP: Ms Montacir Khadija:
IOM Morocco: Ms Massaia Meryem:

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals