
IOM Helps 168 Stranded Burkinabè Migrants in Tunisia Return Home Voluntarily

Tunis - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) facilitated on Thursday the voluntary return of 168 stranded migrants in Tunisia to their country of origin of Burkina Faso. This is the biggest chartered voluntary return from Tunisia in a single day since the establishment of the Organization's operations in the country in 2001.

Prior to departure, IOM supported the migrants – mostly adult males stranded in Al-Amra and Jebeniana localities of Sfax, south of Tunisa – with return-related and country of origin information, counselling, registration and documentation services, safe accommodation, health assessments, and transportation assistance.

“We have made sure to assist returnees in all the stages of their return and reintegration process,” explains the IOM return counsellor.

“I have been in Tunisia for 2 years. I want to go back home to reunite with my family and my 12-year-old child. I haven’t seen him over the past 2 years. Imagine how it feels for a mother not to see her son for so long. Today, I am happy to reunite with my family thanks to IOM. In the future, I will continue my business in clothing and textile. I want to open a small shop,” said Kady (34 years old), the only woman who boarded the flight today.

Upon return, all migrants will be provided with tailored reintegration assistance, which includes economic, social, and psychosocial services.

Hamza (19 years old), another beneficiary, adds: “I am happy to go back home and start afresh. I just can't wait to see my mom. I am considering future opportunities in plumbing or automobile mechanics. I thank IOM for this second chance.”

The Government of Tunisia is a key partner of IOM in ensuring safe access to stranded migrants and facilitating IOM’s reach in Sfax localities. IOM supports the Government by promoting safe and dignified voluntary return and reintegration, in close coordination with the regional authorities in the Tataouine, Medenine, and Sfax Governorates, and in partnership with the Tunisian Red Crescent.

In December 2023, two return charter flights carried 284 Gambian migrants stranded in Tunisia back home.

Over the past five years, IOM in Tunisia has assisted over 5,000 migrants to voluntarily return home, in close coordination with the IOM offices in countries of origin and the respective regional offices. Migrants from Burkina Faso are among the top five nationalities that IOM has registered in November and December 2023 in the region of Sfax.

Within a context of complex migration flows, IOM Tunisia has tailored its response to be more flexible to meet the individual needs and acute vulnerabilities of migrants, who often find themselves with no means or resources to return home should they wish to do so.

Today’s chartered voluntary returns were made possible thanks to the European Union Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration in North Africa (MPRR-NA) programme.   Launched in January 2023, the overall objective of this programme is to contribute to the strengthening of migrant protection and sustainable reintegration systems in North Africa, while enhancing support to stranded migrants as well as reinforcing national return and reintegration systems across the North Africa region.

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