
IOM and USAID Humanitarian Aid Reach More Than 300,000 Conflict-Affected Yemenis with Vital Assistance

A man receives mattresses and other essential relief items an IOM distribution in Ma’rb, thanks to funding from the US government.  Photo: 2021 

Aden – A long-standing partnership with USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) has ensured that more than 300,000 people in Yemen received life-saving multi-sectoral assistance provided by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) since August 2020. 

Yemen remains one of the most severe humanitarian crises in the world with nearly 4 million people displaced and more than 20 million people in need, according to the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan.  

An IOM-USAID project which ended late last year focused on providing conflicted-affected Yemenis with water, sanitation and hygiene services, cash-based assistance, shelter and core relief items, as well as camp management and protection services.  

The project also allowed IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix to conduct its multi-cluster location assessment in the south of the country to help the humanitarian community track displacement rates. 

“USAID Humanitarian Aid has enabled IOM to continue its activities and reach thousands of people in need of assistance essential to their survival—such as access to health care or clean water,” said Christa Rottensteiner, IOM Yemen Chief of Mission. 

"Now, more than ever, funding is crucial to avert a disaster in Yemen. We hope that our valuable partnership with the United States and other donor countries will continue to allow us to reach those most in need.” 

IOM interventions supported by the US were tailored to the needs of affected communities and provided in a timely manner.  

“This cash assistance comes in the most difficult time of our life. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve had money in my hand to provide for my family,” said Hussein, a displaced father of six who received cash assistance through the US-supported project. 

This project targeted populations in areas like Ma’rib which witnessed the highest rates of displacement following escalating hostilities as well as in the west coast where needs of some 17,000 displaced families are growing as a result of protracted displacement and weakened public services. 

The project also played a vital role in IOM’s COVID-19 response throughout Yemen, supporting activities centered on health systems strengthening, outreach to share information and combat vaccine hesitancy among communities, and operational support for transport and storage of doses, among other activities at health centres. 

For more information, please contact: 

Mennatallah Homaid, Tel: +967739888755, Email:  

Angela Wells, Tel: +967 730 552 233 Email: