
IOM Algeria Organizes Training for Consular Agents on Voluntary Return Procedures

Algiers, January 31, 2024 – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Algeria organized a one-day training for consular agents from embassies of origin countries on voluntary return procedures to enhance their capabilities and provide them with the necessary tools to handle complex situations, especially cases involving unaccompanied and/or separated children.

In the constantly evolving migration landscape in North Africa, IOM Algeria is committed to addressing the challenges associated with voluntary returns. Collaboration with consular agents from origin countries is crucial to ensuring a smooth voluntary return process. 

“This training is part of our commitment to strengthening collaboration with key migration stakeholders, including embassies. By providing consular agents with the necessary tools, we contribute to a more efficient and humane voluntary return process,” said Mr. Paolo Caputo, Chief of Mission of IOM Algeria.

“Thanks to this training provided by IOM, our consular agents will be able to manage procedures relating to voluntary returns more efficiently, and better deal with the specific case of unaccompanied minors,” said Mr. Serigne Dieye, Ambassador of The Republic of Senegal in Algiers.

The training aims to deepen the understanding of challenges related to voluntary return, strengthen consular services, and support returning migrants. 

Special attention is given to developing communication skills to foster more effective collaboration. Additionally, an approach that is more sensitive to the needs of vulnerable groups, particularly unaccompanied and/ or separated children, is integrated to ensure adequate assistance to them.

This training is organized within the framework of the Migrants Protection, Return and Reintegration Programme in North Africa (MPRR-NA), funded by the European Union.

A French translation of this press release is available here

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