
As a country of destination, transit, and departure, migration flows in Morocco are internal, cross-border, and cross-regional. According to the Department of Economic and Social A…airs, in 2020, there were around 103,000 international migrants in Morocco, including irregular and regular migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. To ensure that migration is properly managed, Morocco is actively involved at international and national levels through governance frameworks and mechanisms, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, the National Strategy for Immigration and Asylum (SNIA), the National Strategy for Moroccans living abroad and the Moroccan Development Model.

Morocco is one of the champion countries for the implementation of the 23 objectives of the Global Compact, notably in the promotion and sharing of best practices in the framework of South-South cooperation, the promotion of regular migration channels, the strengthening of international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly, and regular migration.

At the national level, to ensure that migration contributes to development efforts, Morocco has put in place the National Strategy for Immigration and Asylum (SNIA), which includes 11 sectoral and cross-cutting action programs covering education, health, shelter, social protection, employment, human trafficking, international cooperation, and governance.


11, Rue Ait Ourir « Pinède » 
Souissi, Rabat, Maroc

Tel: +212 (0)5 37 65 28 81
Fax: +212 (0)5 37 75 85 40
Email: iomrabat@iom.int


Migration Activities
Migration Health

Through the implementation of its projects, the Mission supports and fills the gaps of national and local actors of Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen in migration management with a focus on improving health and protection to vulnerable migrants. In addition, IOM Morocco reach to improve psychosocial services and access to migrants in Morocco.  

Donors: - Finland’s development cooperation - IDF.

Project 1 Fostering health and protection to vulnerable migrants transiting through Morocco, Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia and Yemen.  Funded by Finland’s development cooperation  
Project 2 Promoting Psychosocial Services and Assistance for Vulnerable Migrants in Morocco. Funded by IDF.
Migration and Development

The Mission supports the Moroccan government to mainstream migration into the local and the national policy planning and works with its governmental and non-governmental partners to promote the link between migration and development ant to ensure the protection of migrants’ rights and empower them through the provision of assistance and support.  

Donors: - European Union - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark 

Project 1

Regional Development Protection Programmes (RDPP) in North Africa  

Funded by European Union. 

Project 2 Assistance and protection of unaccompanied and separated children in Morocco  
Funded by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Facilitating Migration

The Mission supports the facilitation of dignified, ordered and safe migration and the improvement of migration’s governance through several services and a tailored operational assistance. IOM Morocco contributes to improving the migration management system in Morocco through the promotion of regular migration channels as well as the facilitation ofa dignified and safe voluntary return to and from Morocco in addition to a sustainable reintegration. The Mission supports also the enhancement of the reintegration opportunities to pave the way, for a sustainable economic, social and psychosocial reintegration for migrants willing to return to their countries of origin.  

Donors: Governments of Morocco, Spain, Norway and Switzerland - German Cooperation - Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

Project 1

The AVRR project “Voluntary Return and Reintegration for Stranded Migrants” (RIASE)  

Funded by the Governements of Morocco, Spain, Norway and Switzerland.

Project 2

Enhancing reintegration opportunities: FORAS (translation of the word opportunities in Arabic)  

Funded by German Cooperation.

Project 3

Italian Voluntary Contribution(IVC) Y-Med  

Funded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Migration Policy and Research
Description/Donors  An important aspect of IOM Morocco’s work is the assistance to the National and regional Government as well as to the different sectors, to better mainstream migration in the national, regional and sectorial strategies and practices.
Project 1

Mainstreaming Migration into National Development Strategies implemented by UNDP and IOM  

Funded by: SDC 

Project 2

Supporting regional councils on developing a local migration strategy INDIMAJ  

Funded by: Netherlands 


Kingdom of Morocco  

The Moroccan Ministry for Migration Affaires 

The Ministry of Interior  

The Ministry of Justice  

The Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development   

Entraide Nationale  
