
Algeria has a long history with mixed migratory flows. Movements to and from France has been a staple for decades because of historical and linguistic ties. Algeria also, initially a transit country, is increasingly becoming a destination country for irregular migrants, asylum seekers, undocumented labour migrants, unaccompanied migrant children (UMC), survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and victims of trafficking, who move within mixed migration flows and a majority becomes stranded in Algeria. The majority of migrants who are seeking asylum and/or access to employment opportunities in Algeria become vulnerable at various stages of the migration process. Algeria recently made two substantial modifications to its legal regulations regarding migration. On the 25th of June 2008, it adopted the law 08-11 governing foreign nationals’ conditions of entry, stay and circulation, which abrogated the order n° 66-211 of the 21st of July 1966 regulating foreign nationals. This new law penalizes irregular entry, staying and departure from Algeria. In 2009, it reformed its penal code to add the offence of irregular exit from its territory for its citizens and foreign residents, as well as the crimes of migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons. Within the framework of the agreement between the governments of Niger and Algeria conducted in 2014, each year, thousands of migrants, the majority of whom are from Niger, are repatriated from Algeria towards Niger.

Brief history

IOM Algeria, based in the capital of Algiers, is a relatively new office (created in May 2016) with a staff and projects continually growing and strengthening. Following the initial phase dedicated to the establishment of the office and relations with Algerian authorities and other counterparts in the country, the Country Office is currently looking to strengthening its capacity and to expanding activities with the aim to cover more areas within the field of migration management.


21-22 Lotissement el Feth, El Biar, 16003

Algiers, Algeria

Migration Activities

The aim is to increase the access of vulnerable members of migrant to quality migrant-friendly health care. Emphasis will be placed on promoting health and wellbeing amongst migrants through the various activities. Direct humanitarian and medical assistance to migrants; assistance to national authorities to enhance management of health needs of migrants; capacity building of government and non-government health facilities to improve health care services and sharing and distributing information on available health care and other issues of interest to migrants with health needs / the UK Department for International Development (DFID), IDF

In addition, IOM Algiers set up the IOM Migration Health Assessment Center in Bainam in the framework of the global agreement with the Canadian Government for immigration to Canada medical processing. While the center is established to perform immigration medical examinations (IME) for Algerian nationals in their process of immigration to Canada, Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) requested IOM to also use this center for the medical examinations of refugees in the process of resettlement from Algeria to Canada.

Project 1 Safety, Support and Solutions in the Central Mediterranean Route (CMR)
Project 2 Addressing HIV and its vulnerabilities among transnational migrants in Algeria
Project 3 GHAP – Canada Self payers

Migration and Development

Description / Donors  IOM respond to the increased humanitarian needs of vulnerable migrants along major migratory routes and strengthen their protection, including through return and reintegration to their countries of origin. As a core activity of IOM Algeria, AVRR activities provide vital assistance to hundreds of migrants every year. Building on experience and a world-wide network of offices and partners, IOM’s AVRR programmes strive to ensure that migrants in need are assisted to return voluntarily, safely and in dignity, and are supported in achieving sustainable reintegration, in full respect for human rights, regardless of their status / the Government of the Netherlands and the European Union
Project 1 Protection Service to Vulnerable and Stranded Migrants in Transiting through North Africa (PROTECT)
Project 2 Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR)’ Project in Support of The ‘Regional Development And Protection Programme (RDPP) For North Africa (NA) (AMIF)

Regulating Migration


The objective is to contribute to consolidating regional coordination and governmental capacities to address irregular migration and to uphold the human rights of vulnerable migrants along the North-Eastern African Migration Route.

In addition, supports governmental efforts in prosecuting trafficking cases, protecting victims, and preventing trafficking. / PRM and J/TiP (USA) – MIRAC (Netherlands)

Project 1 Addressing Irregular Migration Flows and Upholding Human Rights of Migrants Along the North-Eastern African Migration and North Africa (NOAH PHASE VI)
Project 2 Strengthened Capacities for Improved Coordination, Identification, Protection, and Prosecution on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in Algeria
Project 3 Central Mediterranean Migration route: Enhance capacities of governments to counter the dangers and the hazards in mixed migration flows

Facilitating Migration / Resettlement

Description / Donors 

Resettlement is a sometimes unrecognized yet compelling instrument and symbol of international solidarity and burden sharing to find a durable solution for refugees who are unable to return to their country of origin for fear of continued persecution and do not have the option to stay in their country of asylum.

IOM Algeria’s department of Operations conducted medical screening, pre-departure cultural orientation and arranged logistics and exit formalities for refugees selected for resettlement to third countries. Refugees are resettled to several countries, mainly USA, Canada, Sweden, France from Algeria

Project 1 Canadian Warrant Program
Project 2 Refugees Resettlement to Canada

Reparation Programmes

Description / Donors  The aim is to support Algeria’s efforts to address irregular migration and trafficking in persons in accordance to its international obligations and also to reduce the vulnerabilities of vulnerable and stranded migrants along mixed migration flows across North Africa / the Government of the Netherlands and the European Union.
Project 1 Protection Service to Vulnerable and Stranded Migrants in Transiting through North Africa (PROTECT)
Project 2 Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR)’ Project in Support Of The ‘Regional Development And Protection Programme (RDPP) For North Africa (NA) (AMIF)