Beyond ensuring that the humanitarian needs of crisis affected populations are met, identifying and addressing the drivers of displacement and large-scale migration flows, which overwhelm local capacities, is central to achieving durable solutions and stability. In close collaboration with member states, as well as range of national and international partners, transition and recovery multi-sectoral interventions complement IOM’s humanitarian assistance activities, building on humanitarian gains to ensure an effective transition to recovery and sustainable development, reducing risks of humanitarian aid dependence. As such in line with strengthening the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus (HDPN)4, IOM’s transition and recovery programming applies holistic, inclusive, context specific and conflict sensitive programming to tackle the drivers that result in or maintain communities in fragile and crisis situations. 


IOM provides assistance to populations in protracted displacement, especially in informal sites and other out-of-camp locations, and in communities of return to address key barriers to return, social cohesion and recovery. IOM operates under the durable solutions framework to identify the causes of displacement and propose adapted interventions, in collaboration with the government and partners. 

 IOM  (1) assists IDPs to better assess their situation and support safe and sustainable voluntary returns or relocations when the environment is conducive; (2) supports returnees and communities in areas of return to access basic services, livelihoods, shelter and community infrastructure; (3) works closely with communities and authorities to improve safety and security, social cohesion and facilitate reintegration; (4) provides assistance to survivors of human rights violations; (5) contributes to the capacity-building of government authorities, civil society organizations and NGOs to facilitate community stabilization and resume services; and (6) improves the availability of and access to quality health services in urban areas with large populations of IDPs, and in areas of return.  

In addition, IOM provides technical support to Iraqi authorities at the national and local levels, as well as to the national and international organizations to strengthen knowledge on durable solutions and on the rights of people affected by displacement, and to enhance responses and solutions to displacement, as well as to strengthen preparedness capacity.