
IOM has been operating in Sudan since 2000; contributing to the Government of Sudan’s (GoS) efforts to facilitate and manage migration effectively while upholding the human dignity and well-being of migrants including internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees and asylum seekers. With over 150 staff members and 1,000 operational contractors in the field, (during 2015); IOM provides assistance/services through its country office in Khartoum and Sub-offices in the Darfur Region: Nyala, El-Fasher, El Geneina; and Southern Sudan in: South Kordofan, West Kordofan and Abyei; as well as providing programming in East and Central Darfur, Blue Nile, Kassala, Red Sea, and Gedaref. As Sudan is a source, transit, and destination country for migration; IOM provides services that cover the spectrum of assistance for human mobility with a wide variety of projects and programmes delivered through three strategic areas/units.

IOM Sudan's Strategic Objectives

  1. To support the GoS in building technical capacity and policy to manage migration effectively and humanely and fulfill its responsibilities in assisting, protecting and upholding the rights of vulnerable mobile populations.
  2. To facilitate efforts to end displacement and identify progressive resolution of displacement by providing immediate to longer-term support for populations affected.
  3. To strengthen and establish orderly, safe, responsible migration management systems to benefit Sudan’s development.


Gerief West [Manshiya]
P.O. Box. 8322
House No.1/38, Block G
Khartoum, Sudan

Tel: +249 156 554 600


Migration Activities


Government Counterparts

IOM Sudan’s presence is to support the GoS to manage migration in the country; therefore all its activities and projects are crucially linked to government partnership as a member state. IOM Sudan works in close partnership and coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Commissioner of Refugees, Humanitarian Aid Commission, Secretariat of Sudanese Working abroad, and other governmental bodies under the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministries.

Project Implementation, Coordination and Cooperation

IOM Sudan partners with various Intergovernmental organizations, international and national organizations, civil society and community based organizations United Nations Country Team (UNCT), Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and various UN agencies under the UN Sector/Cluster system on programming including the Humanitarian Response plan (HRP) and United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF).


The PRU builds national and local capacity to effectively address the mobility dimensions of crises by providing timely assessment of vulnerable, displaced, and disaster affected populations including IDPs, returnee and host communities by delivering emergency assistance and essential services to meet critical needs.


Programme Beneficiaries Assisted 2015-June 2016
Displacement Tracking                             Matrix (DTM)

Collected and shared accurate and timely information on the affected populations to inform the delivery of lifesaving assistance and relief. Over 550,000 IDPs, returnees and affected population have been registered / re-registered in Darfur and Kordofan States (old and new cases).

Registered and re-registered over 250,000 returnees (IDPs and refugee returnees) and identified their needs, vulnerabilities and motivations identified to shape early recovery and reintegration assistance.

Rapid Response Fund (RRF) The RRF, a USAID/OFDA humanitarian funding mechanism, managed and monitored by IOM, approved emergency response projects in WASH, Emergency Health, ES/NFI and Protection. The RRF supported over 900,000 vulnerable individuals in the first 6 months of 2016.
Emergency Health

37, 361 consultations (including the treatment of communicable and non- communicable diseases, maternal care and child care) have been conducted through the services provided in El Sereif Clinic, South Darfur and mobile clinic in Sayah North Darfur.

Distributed 5, 000 feminine hygiene kits to the most vulnerable girls and women of reproductive age in El Sereif Camp South Darfur, with a pre sensitization exercise providing information on topics about good reproductive health, feminine hygiene and family planning.

20 Community Health Workers were trained on prevention and treatment protocols, and integrated vector management (IVM) activities such as house-to-house fog spraying, vector surveillance, vector source reduction and mechanical larvae control, reaching 3759 households.

60 community health workers (CHW) were trained on nutrition related topics and 10,000 beneficiaries reached with key messages activities 8,596 IDPs and members of the surrounding community were mobilized to participate in vector and source reduction activities, and they also benefited from health awareness sessions on the prevention, early detection, and management of relevant infectious diseases-South Darfur Facilitated the transportation of 5,000 mosquito nets for distribution to the most vulnerable beneficiaries in El Fasher, North Darfur.

Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (ES/NFI) 12,560 households (62,800 individuals) received basic shelter and household items assistance between January 2015 and June 2016. This assistance included provision of standard ES/NFI kit containing items such as the plastic tarpaulin, kitchen set, blanket, sleeping mat and jerry can as well as the environmentally friendly improved emergency shelter. In addition, through joint collaboration with livelihood, IOM conducted the first on the job shelter training producing 250 environmentally friendly shelters during its pilot phase.
Onward Transportation Assistance (OTA) 1,452 Sudanese citizens and third-country nationals evacuated during Yemen crisis and received assistance including emergency travel documents, food and accommodation.


The work of the TRU contributes to increasing community stabilization, resilience, and self-reliance through early recovery approaches that promote social cohesion, peace initiatives, and community-based capacity building for local institutions through programmes such as the Cross Border Peace and Cooperation (CBPC) and Joint Conflict Reduction programme (JCRP). Interventions also promote durable solutions for IDPs and returnees, through providing water facilities, small infrastructure, livelihoods and support services for relocation, local integration, and (re)integration.

Programme Beneficiaries Assisted 2015-June 2016
Vocational Training And Income Generating Activities

Supported the training of over 1,200 IDPs, returnees and members of urban youth in host communities in North, South & East Darfur, South & West Kordofan and Blue Nile States and provided start−up kits or livestock inputs as part of livelihood initiatives.

Two Women’s Community Centers were established in North Darfur to support productive activities and provide a venue for further training.

Food Security And Livelihoods Over 2,500 households benefited from agricultural training and distribution of inputs to increase food security and promote agricultural income generation in West & South Kordofan and Abyei PCA. Enhanced livestock support services through vaccination campaigns, training of community animal health workers and facilities’ rehabilitation along migratory routes in South & West Kordofan and South Darfur States.
Socio-Economic Survey Conducted 1,400 Labor Market, Health and WASH surveys in West, South and North Darfur States. 81 line ministries’ staff received training in data collection and analysis.

Joint Conflict Reduction Programme

930 community members in South & West Kordofan and Blue Nile State received training on peacebuilding, conflict reduction and negotiation and leadership skills.
Water Sanitation And Hygiene (WASH) And Basic Infrastructure Emergency And Community Stabilization Initiatives

Provided 405,000 people with access to safe water, and sanitation services in Abyei PCA, Red Sea, South & West Kordofan and the Darfur region.

Provided hygiene promotion and basic infrastructure to support livelihoods, as well as health and education facilities to more than 30 communities.

Conducted 7 technical trainings for several Water, Environment and Sanitation (WES) and Ministry of Health (MOH) technicians and over 300 management committees in water supply system management.


The MMU provides direct assistance for migrants and advocates for stronger legal and policy strategies and frameworks to improve migration management and to encourage national development. The Unit aims to ensure protection and assistance of migrants by strengthening migration governance and protection capacities, contributing to enhanced security through safe, dignified human mobility; as well as promoting diaspora engagement and supporting regional policy dialogue and migration governance building initiatives.

Programme Beneficiaries Assisted 2015-June 2016
Direct Assistance to Migrants Migrant Resource and Response Center (MRRC) opened in Khartoum to provide protection assistance both directly as well as through referrals and outreach. Psychosocial, medical and critical food / non−food item assistance provided to 1008 vulnerable migrants, including 30 victims of trafficking.
Awareness Raising on the risks of Irregular migration Conducted  awareness raising/outreach sessions to 460 migrants on risks of irregular migration.
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) Assisted 172 migrants to return to their countries of origin, primarily Ethiopia and Nigeria, with reintegration packages. 260 Sudanese returned to Sudan from 16 countries; 161 were provided with reintegration assistance.
Resettlement Assisted 4,545 migrants to resettle in 13 countries. Conducted 5, 260 health assessments including Tuberculosis screenings and assisted 24 clients in Italy/UK DNA program. Top 6 resettlement countries: Canada, USA, UK, Sweden, Germany and Australia. 1,703 former refugees were resettled in third countries: Canada, USA and Germany.
Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals Completed 47 assignments of Sudanese diaspora’s temporary knowledge exchange placements in Sudan from European countries in the corporate governance, water, education, and journalism and technology sectors to contribute to the development of Sudan.
Border Management Trained 176 officials on International Migration Law, counter trafficking and protection. Conducted research on intentions of migrants and supported regional policy dialogue and migration governance building initiatives Technical assistance and support to government of Sudan participation (Khartoum Process, Valletta, RMMC, IGAD) and IOM Sudan participation in regional initiatives (MMTF, Mhub, RMMS).