IOM prioritizes harnessing the skills and the social and economic contributions of migrants and displaced populations to benefit wider sustainable development outcomes in both countries of destination and countries of origin. It also aims to contribute to a better understanding of the reciprocal effects of migration on development and of sectoral development policies on migration, and to encourage mainstreaming migration considerations into development policy and development considerations into migration policy.

Interlinkages between migration and development are complex and multifaceted. IOM’s Regional Office for MENA LMI unit works with governments and other stakeholders at national and local levels in order to build awareness of these linkages and build the capacity of governments to better harness migration to promote sustainable development. This includes:

  • Engaging diaspora communities in socio-economic development;
  • Harnessing remittances to support sustainable local development and investment;
  • Supporting local community development and youth employment initiatives to reduce negative drivers of irregular and unsafe migration;
  • Supporting the integration of displaced populations and their host communities