LMI promotes ethical recruitment and protection of migrant workers and members of their families according to International Migration Law (IML) global principles and frameworks. LMI’s Strategic Focus Area on Migration, Business and Human Rights supports the private sector to respect the human and labour rights of migrant workers and their families at all stages of the migration continuum and throughout their supply chains according to IML principles and global frameworks. It also adopts a whole of society approach, engaging all relevant stakeholders, including government, civil society, and business, to empower migrant workers in the industries and workplaces where they are active.

In this framework, IOM LMI unit aims at:

  • Strengthening government commitment and action to improve recruitment regulation.
  • Increasing adherence of labour recruiters to principles of ethical recruitment and IML principles and global frameworks.
  • Enhancing business engagement to protect migrant workers in supply chains.
  • Building civil society mechanisms to enhance migrant worker voice and empowerment;
  • Strengthening dialogue and cooperation across all relevant stakeholders to promote ethical recruitment and protection of migrant workers.

IRIS Ethical Recruitment (https://iris.iom.int/)