
Egypt is widely recognized as an important origin, transit and destination country for migrants. With a population estimated at 97 million, Egypt is, the largest regional provider of migrant labour to the Middle East. It is estimated that more than six million of Egyptian expatriates reside in the Golf Cooperation Countries (GCC), such as Saudi Arabia, followed by Kuwait, The United Arab Emirates, Lybia and Jordan. As for non-Arab countries of residence, expatriates are estimated to three million, with many Egyptians residing in Italy, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and Greece. The diversity of the migrant population in Egypt, estimated to be reaching the six million, is characterized by the more than 58 different countries of origin, including Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and other sub-Saharan African countries. The great majority these communities resides in urban areas around Cairo and Greater Cairo as well as in the northern city of Alexandria. Egypt’s legal framework on migration issues includes the laws on “illegal migration and anti-smuggling No. 82/2016 and the law on “combatting human trafficking” No. 64/2010. Egypt counts with a National Coordinating Committee for combatting illegal migration and trafficking in persons.


47C Abu el Feda Street
Zamalek, Cairo

Tel: +20 2273 65140/1/2
Email: iomegypt@iom.int


Migration Activities
Movement, Emergency and Post-crisis Migration Management
Description / Donors The aim is to promote social cohesion between Syrian female refugees and other females of the hosting communities in Egypt whilst promoting gender equality. This overall objective will be achieved by increasing their access to quality and migrant-friendly health care, education, and livelihood opportunities as well as by reducing gender inequalities within the targeted communities. / Government of Japan & PRM
Migration Health
Description / Donors 

The aim is to increase the access of vulnerable members of migrant and host communities to quality migrant-friendly health care. Focused on the prevention (of health-related issues), promotion (of migrant-friendly health services), and the provision (of migrant-friendly health care in concert with community-based organizations).

In addition, it provides  (1) direct assistance to migrants in need of medical and humanitarian assistance;  (2) assistance to national authorities to respond to and manage the health needs of migrants and their host communities in migrant-dense areas; (3) capacity building of governmental and non-governmental health structures to deliver quality, “migrant-friendly” and “psychosocially aware” health care services; (4) information sharing on available health care, health issues and other issues of concern to migrants with health needs; (5) support to the government and civil society to assist the most vulnerable cases, including victims of trafficking, women migrants, single mothers and unaccompanied migrant children./ European Union & Government of Italy.

Project 2 Increase healthcare access migrants and host communities (SIHA)
Migration and Development
Description / Donors 

The aim is to (i) build the capacities of  national authorities to effectively engage Egyptian expatriate communities in local development initiatives; (ii) establish the necessary communications channels/networks between GoE authorities and Egyptian associations in Italy to facilitate collaboration on development initiatives both within and beyond the scope of the project; (iii) pilot small-scale community development projects jointly implemented by local communities and Egyptian expatriates that respond to the specific development needs of the targeted communities whilst also serving as concrete examples for broader policy development and further joint collaboration on local community development initiatives.

In addition, respond to the migration challenges encountered in Egypt by building the resilience and capacity of communities hosting migrants to absorb and support vulnerable migrants and ensure community stability, as well as protecting the rights of migrants in the region. / European Union, Italy - MFA - DG for Development Cooperation and IOM development fund (IDF).

Project 1 Regional Development and Protection Program North Africa (RDPP)
Project 2 Initiatives for local Development of Egypt through the support of Egyptians abroad (ILDEA)
Project 3 Strengthening National Capacities in Applying International Standards to Improve Labour Migration Management in the MENA Region
Regulating Migration
Description / Donors

The objective is to contribute to consolidating regional coordination and governmental capacities to address irregular migration and to uphold the human rights of vulnerable migrants along the North-Eastern African Migration Route.

In addition, supports governmental efforts in prosecuting trafficking cases, protecting victims, and preventing trafficking. / The United States of America, USAID and The Government of Denmark

Project 1 Addressing Irregular Migration Flows and Upholding Human Rights of Migrants Along the North-Eastern African Migration and North Africa (NOAH PHASE V)
Project 2 Positive Life Alternatives for Egyptian Youth At-Risk of Irregular Migration (PLAYA) Program
Project 3 Strengthening the Protection Sphere for Victims of Trafficking and Vulnerable Groups in Egypt (SPHERE)
Facilitating Migration
Description / Donors The aim is to support each government to address the need for advanced labour migration management systems as countries of origin, with the overall objective of contributing to the development and implementation of labour migration/human mobility policies that meet international standards in Egypt, Morocco and Yemen. / IOM development fund (IDF) and The United States of America.
Project 1 Strengthening National Capacities in Applying International Standards to Improve Labour Migration Management in the MENA Region
Project 2 Africa Regional Migration Program (NOAH VI)
Reparation Programmes
Description / Donors  The aim is to support Egypt’s efforts to address irregular migration and trafficking in persons in accordance to its international obligations and also to reduce the vulnerabilities of vulnerable and stranded migrants along mixed migration flows across North Africa. / The Government of Germany and The Government of the Netherlands.
Project 1 Consolidate Direct Assistance and Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Services in Egypt (CARE)
Project 2 Protection Service to Vulnerable and Stranded Migrants in Transiting through North Africa (PROTECT)