

Beirut, Lebanon - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) have launched a multi-country project designed to foster the economic resilience of displacement-affected communities and marginalized groups in Armenia and Lebanon.

The recent war, beginning in October 2023 and continuing until a recent ceasefire in November 2024, displaced approximately 1 million people from their homes. Even before this current emergency, people in Lebanon were facing one of the worst economic crashes since the mid-19th century, which increased poverty and reduced people's access to sustainable livelihoods.

To contribute to addressing those challenging circumstances, the Empowering Livelihoods and Economic Vitality in Fragile and Conflict Zones (ELEVATE) project is set to provide short-term, sustainable livelihood opportunities and strengthen local economies through increased income-generating capacity and enhanced economic infrastructure.

In Lebanon, ELEVATE project will provide cash-for-work, business development training, comprehensive livelihood assistance to crisis affected individuals and communities and will improve accessibility to grants for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

These activities will contribute to strengthening local businesses in order to maintain self-sufficient, individual livelihoods for the people employed by those businesses, benefiting themselves, their families, and the local economy.

Other activities include providing financial literacy training, entrepreneurial training, vocational training, and complementary services such as social protection schemes, health, education, and mental health and psychosocial support.

H.E. Mr. IL Park, Korean Ambassador to Lebanon, said: "The Republic of Korea is proud to continue its support for the resilience of vulnerable communities in Lebanon. Building upon the success of our previous collaboration with IOM, which focused on supporting local businesses and creating jobs in Tripoli, this new project extends our commitment to enhancing livelihoods and economic stability in areas facing significant challenges. We believe that fostering sustainable development through such initiatives is essential to promoting peace and stability, and we are confident that this partnership will bring tangible benefits to the communities most in need.”

The ELEVATE project aims to directly support more than 2,675 individuals and provide more than 15 SMEs with grants and support to extend businesses to benefit the people around them, creating and sustaining jobs.

IOM and KOICA are committed to working collaboratively with authorities at the national and local levels to empower communities not only to rebuild their livelihoods but also to contribute to the broader goal of longer term of stability.

For more information, please contact:

IOM Lebanon Programme Support Unit
